Daniel Lundahl

Webdeveloper using Drupal
and Sitevision

I've been messing around with code since 2005
when I was like 13 years old. I started working 
professionally as a webdeveloper in 2012 when
I got my first job. Today I'm working at Awave AB

Personal projects

A e-commerce site built on Drupal 8 for me and my brothers store that sells car care products.

Link: lundahlsgarage.se

I made a new website for the local church where I live. I felt that there old one was pretty outdated so I created this and asked them if they wanted to use it. They did :)

Link: odensbacken.pingst.se

My personal site that you'r visiting right now. Here you can find my personal projects I've done. Information about myself and what I do and information how to contact me.

Link: www.daniellundahl.se

A small internal site I created for Väringens Vägförening. Here they can share observations they do in the neighbourhood, news about road work and renovations etc.

Link: www.varingensvf.se (not active anymore)

McGaraget is a community I built for people interested in motorcycles. You can share images and videos of your bikes and projects. You can share experiences and help others in the forums.

Currently working on a more modern 2.0 version of this site.

Link: www.mcgaraget.org (not active anymore)